I have no idea where this blog is going but will stay true to making it authentic and frequent.
The attached photo was obviously taken in the 50"s. I have always proclaimed this bear ride to be more my kind of ride then the pony at the near by carnival tour. It's because of this photo that I am presently working on the black bear image in the studio.
When I decide on an animal to paint there begins a series of necessary tasks. I surround myself with resource materials including publications , dvd's, and possible places to actually view the animal and of course this remarkable tool to the web of life.
With such extensive preparation I become personally acquainted with each animal and as articles and information come to the surface , there is much to include in the image beyond the basic shape. Also, one doesn't go far into animal research before running into the issues of survival.
That being said, I must admit that this photo makes me sad for the female or young bear giving me the experience of a ride. How many others were there in grocery store parking lots with chained harnesses and waiting for the next kid to come along.
Thank you little black bear. I'll make a difference with you in mind.
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